estimated time to read article 6 min

A guide how to start in the Cyber Security

I won’t ask anyone to follow the same path i did because everyone have their own problems / way of learning stuffs.

I will just give the resource and suggest some of the way you can start your journey.

As we know that we are going to be penetration tester (may some other role in the industry). So we need a environment to get started if you talk about me i started with ubuntu although i just used it for 2 or 3 days then download all time favorite kali linux.

I know many of the person i should say most of the pen-tester will not agree with kali linux because of it’s not much stable even my own friends don’t like it. It all upto you which linux you want to use many of i know use the ubuntu (which don’t even have any tools for hacking) one of is john hammond he also have a youtube channel which have a good amount of stuff to learn.

Conclusion It’s all upon you which distribution you wanna use every linux have it their own doc’s for the troubleshoot and we also have amazing community which help everyone in anyway they can.

Okay..! we done with OS i just forget with hardware’s the hardware requirement

NOTE :- Again it’s not to be the same as written down all depend on your needs. So go with that. :)

Don’t just think so much for hardware we also have some online vm hosting services i suggest check them out.


For a hacking laptop, 8GB RAM should be the absolute minimum. 16GB or 32GB is more realistic, especially if you’re running multiple virtual machines and can see yourself expanding your hacking activities as time goes on. If you’re unsure you can get a 16GB laptop which is extendable to 32GB.


You want SSD over HDD if you can. 250GB and onwards is optimal since you’ll want enough storage for applications and data sets but a huge amount of storage isn’t needed for hacking.

Graphics Card

2GB minimum but you’ll feel the difference with 4GB. If you intend to use your laptop for brute force hacking you’ll want a minimum of 4GB and possibly more depending on your hacking operation.

Other Features

These aren’t specs but rather other important factors you should consider when looking for a hacking laptop. You’re going to want a laptop with a long battery life so you can maximize portability and hack on the go. You’re also going to want a lightweight laptop for the same reason – you’ll be less likely to carry your laptop around if it’s heavy and cumbersome.

You’ll also want to invest in a mouse for your laptop. Using a mouse makes it much easier to quickly dart across the screen than using a track-pad does.

Most gaming laptops also make great hacking laptops.

Alright we are now done with the hardware and setup our environment for work. Now the most important where to study.

Please don’t waste your time with rubbish stuff over Internet

Make a account on tryhackme this the best and most suggest platform from anyone because it the most user friendly hand on practice don’t waste your time over udemy course. You cannot learn anything with out practice and they have a beginner path link if you ask me it’s worth to buy the $10 subscription and i would say it’s the most cheapest subscription of any hacking platform. They have special discount for the students so go with process even they have annual plans differently.

If you ask me i just took the 2 month i was done with all the subs room mostly room are free but only the path rooms and some other are sub based don’t go with free room first go for the sub that will be the best for a beginner.

They have 3 other paths i guess for the red-teamer and blue-teamer if you don’t know what is that read this article even we also have purple team which you will read in this article.

When you think you are much prepared why not try hack the box it’s the other great platform to practice your skills in cyber security. It’s basically for the red teamer to be honest i don’t know much about the defence side but you can go for try hack me defence path where you will get much resource.

This is not all but sufficient for a beginner with in your journey you will meet with different people and will learn alot from them and even discover other resource i have other but that don’t fits this post.

Most important is making notes in anyway blog site like me or locally for your self. One more thing go for certifications that most important. eJPT is the best example for a beginner certification. Their are also some other research and have fun.

I have uploaded the eJPT notes of my own go and check them or click on here.